Our Research

Armada Labs is a not-for-profit, academic research facility specializing in the practical application of organic chemistry, its base properties, and the new and exciting fields that are developing around it.

Organic Chemistry

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Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Hydrogen; the four basic building blocks of all life on earth hold secrets that could change the way we view our place in the universe forever. And that's just what we aim to do by studying the interactions between these four incredibly important elements in a variety of settings and configurations.

Through our work, we've developed new drugs, pesticides, and health treatments for countless ailments and pests, worldwide.

Chemical Spectroscopy

As light passes by an atom, certain wavelengths are absorbed or reflected by the electrical forces that surround it. This property allows us to study the behavior of atoms in a broader sense to help us develop new and exciting ways of testing and predicting their interactions.

Our techniques have also contributed greatly to the understanding of astronomical bodies, by helping astro-phsyisist determine the composition of stars.

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Acoustic Resonance Spectroscopy

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Quite possibly the most cutting edge research we do is centered around the sonic resonance of chemical compounds. By inducing sound vibrations and measuring the changes in light absorbtion and reflection, we're able to peer deeper into the atom than ever before!

Acoustic resonance also helps in the manufacture of building materials that are stronger and more durable, by finding compounds that hold up best against high-powered vibrations.